Welcome to Pack 311
Saco, Maine
Serving Saco, Biddeford, Dayton, Old Orchard Beach, and beyond!
Welcome to Cub Scout Pack 311, an active and award-winning pack that has been serving the youth of Saco, Biddeford, Dayton, Old Orchard Beach, and the surrounding areas for over 30 years. Our chartered organization is the Saco Fire Department Call Division Association and our pack has dens for both boys and girls (K to 5th grade) and provides scouting fun for the whole family.
We have a very active program, with Pack meetings every month, weekly Den meetings, field trips, hikes, camping trips, derbies, and other experiences throughout the year. We encourage the scouts to attend as many Pack events as possible - some can help them earn belt loops and badges as they advance through the ranks.
Now is an exciting time to be a part of our Scouting family, and we invite you to join us for fun and adventure! We meet on Mondays from 6:00 to 7:00 pm. The scouts meet by age/grade with their Den and volunteer den leaders. During these meetings, they will work on fun scouting activities and advancement.
If you are searching for a scouting program, we would love for you to visit our pack. We hope to see you soon!
Scout Me In!
James Ferguson, Cubmaster, Pack 311