Annual Popcorn Fundraiser

Overview & Sales Goal:

Each year our Pack sells popcorn in the community to fundraise and teach our scouts to “pay their own way”. This also teaches our scouts the following skills:

Sales Goal:

Each year the Pack Committee sets the annual budget and a popcorn sales goal for each scout. If a scout reaches this level of sales they will cover 100% of their annual pack dues! This can be achieved by going door-to-door and accepting Take Orders, signing up for a Shown N Sell shift or selling to family and friends online.

Why Do We Sell Popcorn?

The Council Popcorn fundraiser is Pack 311's biggest source of income and allows our pack to run a high-quality program.  The more the pack makes through fundraising, the more activity costs the pack can cover during the year!

Here is just a small sampling of the activities supported by your fundraising efforts and participation:

Important Terms, FAQ & Best Practices:

Terms to Know:


Best Practices:

Ways to Sell:   

Show N Sells:

Signing up for Show and Sells

Take Orders:

Door to Door:

Selling at Work:

Selling Online:

Important Dates:

2021 Popcorn Calendar

Show-N-Sell Popcorn Information:

Show N Sell Dates:      

Check your email, and use the sign-up link to sign up for one or more of the Show and Sell times/locations

Scouts % of Sales:  

Scouts earn a percentage of the total Show N Sell.  The percentage is based on the total Show N Sell sales and the number of hours worked.  This dollar amount is credited towards their sales goal. Past Show N Sells have average sales of $65-$150 per scout hour!

Show N Sell Sign-up Commitments:

If you sign up for a time slot, please make it a commitment. It’s difficult for the Popcorn Kernel to find last-minute coverage. If you cannot make it, please contact the Popcorn Kernel at least 24 hours prior to the scheduled shift. Please provide a contact number on sign-up. 


Please arrive 5 min early for your shift. If you signed up for the first shift of the day – PLEASE arrive 20 min early to set up. Put 4-5 bags on the table of each popcorn.  All other boxes are under the table and out of sight.


Putting popcorn in the correct boxes they came in. Please put the money box, donation jar & clipboards in the tote. Folding table and chairs, popcorn, and containers are returned to the Popcorn Kernal. **Do not give away boxes, we need them.**

Scout Etiquette at Show N Sell:

Parents Responsibility at a Show N Sell:

Popcorn Tracking & Tallying: 

Beginning of a Shift: At the start of your shift, parents will count all the popcorn on hand (example: 12 bags to a case, you have 2 cases left.. PLEASE PUT 24) Please tally in each appropriate row of popcorn sold.   

End of a Shift: please count and mark the ending inventory (how many you have left in your inventory and ON table)

End of Day:  At end of the last shift, please complete your end-of-shift popcorn tally and then put popcorn back into boxes they belong in.  All clipboards, donation jars, the money box, signs, table cloths, etc. go back into the tote.   Please fold up the table and chairs and return them to the popcorn kernel or have them ready for the leader in charge of pick up.


Scouts should be holding the Donation Jar out in front of the table and in customers' view.  If it gets filled up (it definitely happens!) please put dollar bills (Keep all change in jar) in the donations envelope inside the bottom of the money box. Mark on donation sheet on the clipboard, amount, etc.


CAMP MASTERS High Achiever Prizes & Incentives:

Camp Masters has rewards to motivate and congratulate Scouts who sell $3000 or Up!  Choose a prize below and GO FOR IT!

$3,000 Sales Achievement: Scouts can choose 1 of two options below

Did You Know?  Scouts Online Sales at count towards your prizes! 

Council Top Seller: Pine Tree Council's top seller will earn a $500 Amazon Gift Card & Recognition in Pine Spills

District Top Seller (except Council Top Seller): $200 Amazon Gift Card & Recognition in Pine Spills

Camp Master Resources

Selling Tips and Safety Tips

Sales Tools

Sales Materials