Cub Scout Uniforms
The Scout uniform helps build pride, loyalty, and self-respect. Wearing the uniform to all den and pack meetings and activities also encourages a neat appearance, a sense of belonging, and good behavior.
Pack 311 Uniform Checklist:
Scouts are required to have the following official uniform parts, often referred to as the 'Class A' uniform:
Shirt: The official blue uniform shirt is available with long or short sleeves and has button-flap pockets. (Webelos & Arrow of Light scouts wear the official tan uniform shirt)
Neckerchief: a triangular neckerchief with the appropriate color/logo for the scout's rank.
Neckerchief slide: Cub Scouts may wear the official slide that matches their scout rank or any handmade neckerchief slides.
Optional Items:
Pack T-Shirt: Also known as a 'Class B' is a t-shirt offered by the pack for informal activities
Hat: Official scout hat with the appropriate color/logo for the scout's rank.
Pants: Shorts, long pants, skorts, and roll-up pants all are in official blue.
Belt: Official navy-blue web belt with metal buckle.
Socks: Official socks are available in three lengths: ankle, crew, and knee.
Scout Closet
Pack 311 maintains a “closet” of previously used uniforms. Anyone who needs help obtaining a uniform or uniform accessory is welcome to browse the “closet” to meet their needs. Please see the Cubmaster or your Den Leader for access to the closet. If your scout has outgrown their uniform or extra uniform accessories please consider donating them to the Scout Closet for other scouts to use!
Cub Scout Insignia Guide
Cub Scout patch placement can be very confusing, especially for a new Cub Scout family. This resource covers the placement of the basic Cub Scout patches and badges so that you can get your child's uniform ready for their first Cub Scout meeting!
BSA Guide to the Cub Scout Uniform
Below is the official site from that outlines the pieces to the uniform for each rank. It is up to each family to decide what uniform pieces they want to purchase beyond the basics we have listed above.